About Us

L.M.P.A. Business Services provide the following professional services

Marketing, Purchasing and Sales Consultants, Auctioneers and Valuers for Town and Country Business Ventures including Residential, Industrial, Commercial Real Estate, Farming Properties and Cattle Stations as well as Pastoral, Mining, Fishing Ventures, Earth-moving Plant, Equipment & Vehicles.

Company Overview

L.M.P.A. (Formerly known as Loveridge Mining and Pastoral Agencies) now trading as:

  • L.M.P.A. Business Services
  • L.M.P.A. Valuation Services
  • L.M.P.A. Auctioneering Services
  • Dispute and Mediation Matters / Special Projects Throughout AUSTRALIA:

Acting for and on behalf of clients throughout Australia as Project Marketeers, and Consultants in the areas of Business Purchasing, Business Sales, Auctioneering and Valuations.

L.M.P.A. BUSINESS SERVICES continues to develop a wide range of marketing strategies to meet the varying needs of each client.

Personalised strategies are designed and implemented through a nation wide and international client base using the most appropriate methods to maximise the return of assets to the client. Appropriate marketing strategies are developed in full cooperation with the client – which may include either Private Treaty, Tender or Auction.

This confidential and complete service is applied to town and country business ventures, pastoral, mining, fishing, construction horticultural, tropical fruit plantations/processing facilities; quarries and other resource industries, Hotels/Motels which may include land or leases, fixed improvements, vehicles, office furniture, plant and equipment.

Auctioneering Services

L.M.P.A. BUSINESS SERVICES  specialises in Business and Mining Company’s assets, which may include land or leases, fixed improvements, vehicles, Mining and Construction plant and equipment.

Services are provided both on site and at venues appropriate to the client and to ensure the maximisation of return to our vendors.

Dispute and Mediation Matters/Special Projects Throughout Australia

Eg. Company Director disputes, Partnership disputes, marital breakups etc. reports prepared on behalf of all parties without bias for board members and senior executives, Accountants, the family courts, solicitors/Barristers or for any members of the public, etc.

Valuation Services

L.M.P.A. BUSINESS SERVICES  specialises in valuations of Businesses and Mining Company’s assets which may include land or leases, fixed improvements, vehicles, plant and equipment.

Confidential reports to the client are detailed providing an accurate account of all assets, based on current market value through knowledge gained from wide experience and contacts in the industry.

During the period 1971 – 2023L.M.P.A. has been responsible for the compilation of over 19061 valuation reports covering in excess of 50000 ± items.

L.M.P.A. BUSINESS SERVICES) for Dispute and Mediation Matters / Special Projects Throughout Australia they will inspect, consider and advise on each Matter / Venture, carrying out valuations of assets etc and assist in Dispute resolution.

Further recommending if requested, the best method of sale, (Private Treaty, Tender or by Auction) and project manage from start to finish… under specific written letter of instructions.

My wife Barbara assists with all aspects of running L.M.P.A. BUSINESS SERVICES