Now SOLD SOLD SOLD 3 Room Demountable Office or Accommodation Demountable for Sale By Auction 17/10/2020 At the new Bushfires NT HQ on the corner of Townend Road and Stuart Highway.
by David & Barbara Loveridge | Oct 12, 2020
by David & Barbara Loveridge
Published: October 12, 2020 (4 years ago)
Now SOLD SOLD SOLD Demountable Office for Sale By Auction 17/10/2020 at 10 am At the new Bushfires NT HQ on the corner of Townend Road and Stuart Highway.
At the new Bushfires NT HQ on the corner of Townend Road and Stuart Highway.
Transport ? we recommend Tynan Transport 0438 819 133 or 0499 771 800 For your transport Requirements.
3 Room Demountable Office or Accommodation Demountable for Sale By Auction 17/10/2020
O behalf of: Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security Northern Territory Government
Now surplus to requirements .. a 12mX3M
Demountable Office / Accommodation IN GOOD ORDER AND CONDITION. ( HAS BEEN UNDER COVER FOR MOST OF ITS LIFE) may be viewed…At the new Bush fires NT HQ on the corner of Townend Road and Stuart Highway.
Demountable Office / accommodation demountable for Sale By Auction 17/10/2020 at 10 am At the new Bushfires NT HQ on the corner of Townend Road and Stuart Highway.
Demountable Office / Accommodation demountable will be ready for inspection:between 9am – 4PM on site from 12th- 16th October at At the new Bushfires NT HQ on the corner of Townend Road and Stuart Highway..
Call David or Barbara Loveridge 0418844011
We trust this is of assistance. Call us any time
we look forward in catching up at this Demountable AUCTION Sale